How to deal with wrinkles

A number of treatments can help prevent and get rid of wrinkles. Read on to find out more.

Home remedies for wrinkles

Regular hydration can reduce the chance of wrinkles forming.

Wrinkles are the result of skin aging and tumor loss and are completely natural. The skin becomes thinner over time due to the lower production of collagen and elastin proteins. This deceleration causes the skin to become less resistant to damage.

There are a few things you can do at home to minimize the risk of wrinkles or help reverse the signs of aging.

Daily skin care

Regular hydration of the skin can prevent dryness, reducing the chance of wrinkles. It is important to use skin care products that suit your skin needs, and to incorporate one product at a time into your beauty routine.

Using too many products on the skin, especially more than one anti-aging product can irritate it, which can make the signs of aging more noticeable. Most products take a few weeks to work.


Studies have shown that certain sleep postures can contribute to facial wrinkles.

There are ways to minimize the risk of wrinkles while you sleep. Includes:

Sleep on your back

Use a special pillow that reduces facial deformity during sleep

Use a silk pillowcase, although not enough research has been done to support its effectiveness.


Microneedling uses very small needles to create tiny piercings on the skin. These piercings trigger a therapeutic response and rejuvenate skin cells.

Learn more about microneedling here.

Medical treatments

Most home remedies will treat only the fine lines on a person's skin and deeper wrinkles may require medical intervention.

If home remedies do not provide satisfactory results, you can visit a specialist dermatologist.


Creams containing retinoids, such as retinol, can help the body produce more collagen, preventing wrinkles. Dermatologists often prescribe them as initial treatment.

Chemical peeling

One chemical peel can reduce many signs of aging on the face as well as on the hands, neck and chest. These treatments work by removing the outer layers of the skin.

Radiofrequency therapy

THE radio frequency (RF) therapy gives the fastest results of all non-surgical skin tightening methods. After healing, fewer wrinkles will be visible within 2 weeks.


THE botox treatment is a non-invasive procedure that helps reduce the signs of aging by relaxing the facial muscles.

Patients can resume most of their daily activities immediately after the procedure and can begin to see results after 3 days.


The filler help restore fullness to the face, lips and hands. They work by filling in areas of skin that lack volume. They provide immediate results from the very first session.


Lifestyle can help prevent the appearance of wrinkles before they appear or slow down their arrival.

Quit smoking

According to the American Academy of Dermatology Association (AAD), smoking accelerates skin aging.

Avoid stress

Avoiding stress is the key to preventing wrinkles. When someone is stressed, their body releases a hormone called cortisol, which can break down collagen in the skin.

Drink less alcohol

Alcohol can cause dehydration, which dries the skin and makes it look older. Avoiding or reducing alcohol consumption can help reduce wrinkles.

Eat healthy

Eating a healthy diet rich in antioxidant foods can help reduce wrinkles. Antioxidants protect the skin from free radicals, which can cause wrinkles and damage.

Foods that contain high levels of antioxidants include:

  • Blackberries
  • Beets
  • Spinach
  • Artichoke
  • Cabbage
  • Black chocolate
Limit sugar

The American Academy of Dermatology warns that a diet rich in sugar or other processed carbohydrates can accelerate aging. They recommend avoiding foods and beverages high in them to protect the skin from wrinkles.

Do not tan

Sunbathing, whether from the sun or a solarium, causes exposure to harmful UV rays. These sun rays accelerate aging, causing wrinkles, age spots, pigmentation, and even skin cancer.

Protect the skin with sunscreen

People should apply sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 every day.

They should be applied to areas of the skin that are not covered by clothing and which are exposed to the elements.

Wrinkles in various areas of the body

When people think of wrinkles, they usually think of facial wrinkles. However, different areas of the body may experience wrinkles.

Most wrinkles usually appear in the areas that receive the most sun exposure, such as the face, neck, back of the hands and hands.


Applying sunscreen to the hands every day can prevent the development of wrinkles on the skin. Treatment to get rid of wrinkles on the hands may include:

The neckline

The skin of the breast is thinner than the skin on the rest of the body, making it prone to sun damage.

Almost all facial treatments are also safe for the chest area, including microneedling, of radio frequencies, of chemical peel and certain types filler.


Almost anyone can try home remedies and lifestyle changes to treat and prevent wrinkles. If these do not help, a dermatologist can offer a range of medical treatments.

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Μέχρι 31/05

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