35 Foods for fast weight loss

When one wants to lose weight one should include in one's daily life, in addition to exercise and a specific diet. In addition to requiring several meals of a certain amount on a daily basis, his diet should consist of specific foods for fast weight loss. The various diets we follow to lose our excess weight, even if they have been recommended by a dietitian to be appropriate for our case, are a physical and psychological test. However, the rich nature has various foods that cause satiety, making us feel full because they have a high nutritional value, so we do not feel hungry or malnourished, while at the same time we safely lose our extra pounds. These foods for fast weight loss we can easily classify them into different categories.


Chicken soup, fish soup and every soup contains a large amount of water and the nutrients we need. This balances the appetite hormones, fills the stomach, forces us to eat slowly with the spoon, giving time to the satiety hormones. Adding spicy spices has also been shown to lead us to eat fewer calories, which helps fast weight loss. The good thing about soups is that there is a wide variety of them, something that helps to include them in our weekly diet without feeling like we will eat the same food again.


The turkey is another food for fast weight loss. This is because turkey has the tryptophan component. It is an amino acid that enters the brain causing a feeling of satiety, filling us for longer.  


Legumes can be beneficial, have a high nutritional value containing fiber and protein and are easily satiated without fat and generally high in calories. They are beans, lentils, chickpeas, fava beans, etc. These are foods rich in iron and with significant nutritional value that at the same time help and in rapid weight loss.  


Boiled eggs also contain protein, they fill us up easily and especially their egg white has less cholesterol and fewer calories.


Oatmeal is another food for fast weight loss. It has been scientifically proven that because it delays the process of digestion, the appetite is reduced.


Green leafy vegetables such as spinach, cabbage, lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower, etc. are ideal for diet because they contain few calories, are rich in fiber, increase the volume of our meals that accompany. They are extremely nutritious, contain vitamins, antioxidants and minerals such as calcium, which helps burn fat. Definitely one of the 6 meals a day required for those who have set a goal to lose weight should contain green leafy vegetables.


Solomos and other fatty fish keep us full for many hours, have a very high nutritional value, omega-3 fatty acids and proteins. They also have a significant amount of iodine for proper thyroid function, thus keeping our metabolism at a good level of function. Other such fish are sardines, trout, mackerel and herring.


Lean beef and chicken breast and generally all lean meats, are of high nutritional value, they fill us up, so we have no appetite to eat large amounts of food. There are also many ways of cooking giving a variety of flavors to our diet.


Potatoes, either boiled or steamed, are also ideal as food for fast weight loss.  but also for our health. They contain potassium, a highly nutritious element and are on top of foods that quickly create a feeling of satiety.


Soy milk has a high nutritional value, fiber, low calories and keeps us full by sending signals of fullness to our brain.


Dairy products contain a lot of protein and calcium, few calories when they are lean and are generally of high nutritional value. Milk, various cheeses, yogurt fill us up quickly and can be a complete meal in themselves.


These are foods that are high in fiber, reduce the absorption of fat as well as the feeling of hunger, more than non-whole grain foods.

  • MINT

Mint is a spice that we use in some foods and has the effect of turning off the appetite.

  • nuts

Nuts such as almonds, walnuts and others, have high quality nutritional value, easily satiated by drinking water.  


The hot chili peppers that can be used in omelets and salads contain a natural substance that increases the rate of metabolism and leads to weight loss. It is a very tasty trick, for those who like spicy foods, that turns our food into food for fast weight loss.


Avocado as a side dish, is rich in fat and creates satiety of hunger, affects blood sugar levels and insulin production. It has few calories, contains potassium, fiber and vitamins C. K and B6.


These are fruits that suppress hunger by filling the stomach.

  • THE Flaxseed

Flaxseed provides us with beneficial fats, fiber and protein. Is food for fast weight loss but also with significant nutritional value.  

If you are in a phase where you want to lose some weight then make sure to include in your daily diet foods like the ones we described. At the same time, make sure you include it in your daily routine and extra exercise for faster results.  

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Μέχρι 31/05

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