New research reveals anti-aging properties of coffee

Coffee lovers, we have good news for you! New study shows that favorite drink has and anti-aging properties.

Coffee has been criticized many times for its harmful effects on our health. However, in recent years more and more research is proving that eventually coffee is good in many functions of the body. Now, a new study is coming out to point out that the most popular beverage on the planet also has anti-aging properties!

According to data published in the journal Nature Medicine, older people with lower levels of inflammation in their bodies (inflammation is thought to be responsible for many age-related diseases) had one thing in common: they were all coffee lovers. «The more caffeine the participants consumed, the more protected they were from chronic inflammation.Says David Ferman, a professor at Stanford University's Institute for Immunology, Transplants and Infections.

As part of their research, Ferman and his colleagues analyzed blood samples from 100 people of different ages. It was observed that the older participants showed greater activity in various genes associated with the onset of inflammation - which is logical as over the years a upward trend to markers of inflammation on the body. A common denominator in diseases of old age, such as diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, cancer, arthritis and Alzheimer's, is considered to be inflammation. «Most of the diseases associated with aging are not actually due to them, but to inflammation.Ferman explains. The more intense the activity in the genes associated with inflammation, the greater the chances for the holder to have high blood pressure (hypertension) and to have hardening of his arteries (atherosclerosis). In contrast, those who did not have these risk factors, regardless of age, were found to be better protected against inflammation. However, the same participants were also those who drank coffee often and in significant quantities.

Which quantity is ideal? The five or more cups per day were associated with low levels of activity in the gene pathway of inflammation. The anti-inflammatory effect of coffee can be explained by the effect of caffeine on the inflammatory process, since, according to researchers, it acts as a "barrier" to the path.

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Μέχρι 31/05

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