
What is Acne?

Acne vulgaris is an inflammation of the hair-sebaceous units of specific areas of the body (face and trunk). It is most often observed during adolescence and manifests as phages (acne phages), papules (papellopuscular acne) or oxides and cysts (acne and cystic acne).

It occurs in places where there are sebaceous glands and therefore occurs mainly on the face, back and chest. Acne usually begins in early adolescence and usually affects up to 80% of all individuals. The milder normal acne that affects many teens lasts 4 or 5 years but the more severe clinical variants last 12 or more years. 

If the inflammation is severe enough, scarring will follow. Scarring is associated with either tissue loss, such as icepick, and atrophic scars, or with excessive collagen formation, resulting in hypertrophic or keloid scars.

Acne often disappears shortly after the age of 20, but can persist for up to a quarter of a decade or more. Exceptions are observed at the onset of menstruation or in winter. The only physical consequence is scarring, which can be avoided with proper treatment.

How is it treated?

Treatment procedures include evaluating acne and prescribing appropriate medications based on the history, severity of acne, type of lesions, and psychological effects of the disease. For the treatment of acne scars, see the corresponding need in the "ACNE SCARS" healthy skin & anti-aging face treatments.

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At Healthy Derma Clinics, we employ specialized medical staff, with constant scientific information and modern equipment, covering the entire spectrum of skin diseases.

Approximately 2,000 cases are treated each year and provided integrated beauty and health services that meet the most modern technological standards but also guarantee scientific competence and professional consistency to the highest degree.

Our goal is to redefine the concept of excellence and effectiveness in the field of Aesthetic Dermatology and Anti-Aging.