The mistakes you make in cleansing your facial skin.

The key to a hydrated and healthy face is proper cleansing! Facial cleansing is a practice of removing dead cells and regulating its oiliness. Depending on the needs of your skin and its type, facial cleansing should be done at least once or twice a day. That is, in the morning and at night before you go to bed. Cleaning your face will become a pleasant routine, which if you follow faithfully you will see your face glowing with health. So if you follow the correct facial cleansing program, we would like you to know that there are mistakes you make in cleansing your skin and you may not have realized it until now?  

Here are the 7 most common mistakes you might unknowingly make while cleansing your face.  

  1. You should always remove your makeup with the special products and then proceed with cleansing your face. This will result in removing any makeup residue and leaving your face completely clean.  
  2. If you think about all those things you touched with your hands in a day, then you will understand how important it is to wash them thoroughly before washing your face.
  3. Don't overdo the exfoliation. Yes, everyone knows that exfoliating leaves the skin soft and silky, but you shouldn't overdo it. Excessive and continuous use of exfoliating products may irritate your skin. Exfoliating once or twice a week is enough to remove dead cells. Also, at Healthy Derma Clinics, we have the Dermafrac treatment in which with the Micro-Channeling method, you can get beautiful skin completely painlessly, with no recovery time and you can book your appointment here
  4. "Excellent in every way." When washing your face, do not use water that is either too hot or too cold. The ideal temperature is lukewarm. Water that is too hot, as well as too cold, affects the skin's protective, natural oils and can cause excessive drying and overproduction of sebum.  
  5. The products used both for cleaning your face and for its daily care should be suitable for your skin type. If you have oily skin, you should get products for oily skin, etc. 
  6. Never rub your face with the towel to dry it. Pat it lightly with a clean towel to dry it. Rubbing will only irritate your face and "break" it, thus helping fine lines to appear prematurely.  
  7. After cleaning your face, you should not skip moisturizing it. If you don't apply the day and night cream, it's as if you didn't do anything for your skin.  

Finally, because the skin needs care renew it with the unique treatment that uses iPixel technology to restore a more youthful and radiant look, with faster results and less recovery time from the common laser.

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Μέχρι 31/05

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