Local abdominal fat? Fight it with the help of the skin.

Poor diet, sedentary lifestyle and lack of exercise are just a few of the causes that help increase body weight, both in men and women. Women are usually bothered by the local thickness, which appears in the area of the hips and thighs, while men in turn are bothered by the local thickness that tends to accumulate in the abdomen. The characteristic of a bloated abdomen is common even in men who exercise or are very thin. This is because the metabolism changes after the age of 30 and this means that the above calories consumed go to the area that is concerned with obesity. For men, this area is none other than the abdomen. However, apart from the fact that the local thickness is ugly aesthetically, it also hides great health risks. There are many studies that link excessive abdominal fat with the high risk of type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance and heart disease.  

The best way to lose belly fat? Unsurprisingly, the solution requires special attention to both your diet and your exercise. One of the most common mistakes most men make is spending too much time in the gym and neglecting their diet. On the other hand, diet alone does not do anything on its own. For this reason we are talking about a combination of diet and exercise, in case one wants to see results and fit abs. The abdominal muscles, no matter how much you train them, if you do not first expel the fat that surrounds them, they will not be able to get the desired line.  

But what if the local thickness does not say to subside with anything, even if you exercise or eat properly? Percutaneous! 

This is the treatment that works intradermally to treat local fat loss by applying Hypertension Solution. In other words, with the help of a disposable micro-piston, a fat-dissolving hypertonic solution is injected transdermally. The hypertonic sodium chloride solution, applied transdermally, has the property of absorbing the content of the fat cell, reducing it in volume. The results of the treatment are visible from the very first visit while enhancing the elasticity of your skin.  

So if you want to get rid of local fat, to see the contour of your body improve but also to enhance the elasticity of your skin, do not wait any longer and call us.  

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Μέχρι 9/05

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